Lately, we read and hear that consistency is one of the pillars of success everywhere, but what is Consistency? Well, it’s NOT posting daily on social media, at least not only that…
For your brand, business or personal, consistency is to bring the same experience to your audience or potential client every time they are in contact with you. Every message, the values, all interactions, the service, the post-service, and the product have to be aligned so each time your client or audience connects with you, they have the same feeling, the same experience.
And that is why if you’ve been following recipes to post on Social Media that worked for some other brand you may feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or tired. If that particular recipe doesn’t really align with your brand’s values and strategy, no matter how smart, fun, or fancy the idea is, it will not work and it won’t make sense.
I really believe we all have to go back to being authentic, have a clear view of why is it we are doing what we are doing and whenever we interact with our clients and audiences, and just be consistent with that.
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